Athletic Training Modalities

Due to the nature of the contact between an athlete and a person performing a massage, rubdown, taping or other athletic training modalities, the potential for abuse or misconduct can occur. This Policy must be adopted by every USA Hockey Member Program where any massage, rubdown, taping or other athletic training modalities are permitted on a Minor Athlete.

Any massage or rubdown, taping or other athletic training modality must be Observable and Interruptible, at least one other Adult Participant must be present, and the Minor Athlete must be fully or partially clothed, ensuring that the breasts, buttocks, groin, or genitals are always covered.

Prior to any massage or rubdown of a Minor Athlete, and on an annual basis, the person performing the massage or rubdown shall obtain the written consent of the Minor Athlete’s legal guardian. The consent must specify if it is for a specific treatment or for ongoing treatments over a period of time, and the nature of the treatment. Parent or guardian consent can be withdrawn at any time. If requested, parents must be permitted to be in the room as an observer (except for events or facilities that limit credentialing).

As a best practice, any person performing a massage, rubdown, taping, or other athletic training modality should be in a position to explain what is being performed and the purpose behind it while the modality is being performed.