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Concussion Management

PNAHA has adopted the USA Hockey Concussion Management Program and associated educational materials as its concussion management program.  These educational materials include the Concussion Management Program handout, USA Hockey Concussion Poster and some other concussion related information.  We are asking all parents and guardians to download the materials and review them with their player. Each season, players and parents will be asked to acknowledge that they have received and reviewed these materials prior to the start of the season.

Concussion can cause serious and long-term damage to young players if not treated properly. We urge you to review the materials and become familiar with the symptoms of concussions. Concussion awareness is part of our coaching education program, but many times a players symptoms may not show until after the player has left the arena for home. Parents also need to be aware of how to identify the symptoms and learn what to do in the case you suspect a player has sustained a concussion.

Thank you for taking the time to review these materials to ensure the safety of all our young players.

Concussion Poster - Signs & Symptoms

Put this poster up at your arena to raise awareness of concussion signs, symptoms and steps to take should you suspect a player has sustained a concussion.

These posters are availabe through your District Council or you can download it below and have it printed yourself.